"I booked the role! Thanks so much: you are amazing!"

-- Erin Cummings, Actor

I prepped a young actor for her audition to play opposite Brendan Fraser with an English accent. She earned a callback and screentest for which she was flown to London, and was the only American girl testing against three English girls. Best wishes!

Actor Constance Zaytoun, a client in New York City, offered these words of thanks after I coached her in a Cockney accent for the premiere of Broken Hands at the Fringe Festival: "Thank you so very much. I applaud how you’re able to work this with people over the phone: you’ve developed an amazing, wonderful system. You’ve figured out an incredibly efficient way to do it: it’s very effective, even though it’s long-distance. I’ve actually gotten more from you doing this on the phone than I’ve gotten coaching with someone in person. You also have an excellent ear so you can hear exactly what I’m doing with my mouth without even seeing me.

I taped an appearance on the show TV Candy hosted by Melissa Rivers for the TV Guide Channel. I taught an aspiring screenwriter how to sound like Christopher Moltosanto from The Sopranos (a character whom he admires), with a New Jersey accent, as well as teaching him breath support techniques to help him sound more confident. The episode will air in mid-December 2006.

Contact Me

My past acting and directing experience uniquely qualifies me as a dialect coach: not only can I guide you in the subtleties of a new accent, I can also help you explore sound possibilities within the character's given circumstances.

I look forward to working with you.

Click here to contact me.

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