"And Mimi Kennedy's beautifully rendered Chicagoan accent, credited to dialect coach Joel Goldes, is icing on the cake."

-- Backstage, 'The lady with all the answers'

Variety, the show business bible, acknowledged my work on the Liberian accents in the Center Theater Group's Eclipsed, now playing at the Kirk Douglas Theater.  Bob Verini wrote, "with kudos to dialect coach Joel Goldes."  Leigh Kennicott also wrote, on StageHappenings.com, "Of special note is Joel Goldes’ (dialect) coaching: the accents are intelligible without being distracting.  And in BroadwayWorld.com, Amber Cassel wrote, "The dialect brings yet another distinct layer of realism, thanks to coach Joel Goldes' efforts."

Contact Me

My past acting and directing experience uniquely qualifies me as a dialect coach: not only can I guide you in the subtleties of a new accent, I can also help you explore sound possibilities within the character's given circumstances.

I look forward to working with you.

Click here to contact me.

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